Prague 14 will ask developers for money for civic amenities during construction

14 March 2024

The Prague 14 town hall will ask developers for money to build civic amenities whenever they build on its territory. It wants to mitigate the negative impact of new construction on the daily life of residents by means of so-called contributions. It will demand CZK 920 per square metre of gross floor area from builders. Deputy Mayor Soňa Tománková (NAŠE Čtrnáctka) said today. The rules of the contributions have already been approved by the city district councillors. Other town halls and the Prague City Council are also demanding financial compensation for the construction.

“New investor plans also create new demands on public infrastructure, public spaces and civic amenities. We consider the investors’ participation in covering the increased costs in the form of a compensation contribution to be quite adequate. The aim of adopting these rules was also to define uniform, equal and transparent conditions of cooperation between Prague 14 and investors,” said Tománková.

According to the deputy mayor, the new investor plans also have a direct impact on education and transport. For example, the conditions do not include areas for garages. “Our interest is to support the increase of parking spaces, the lack of which is a great concern for Prague 14,” Tománková said. According to the rules, the fulfillment of the contingency may then be not only financial, but also non-financial, for example by taking responsibility for building the infrastructure and then handing it over to the district.

The aforementioned amount per square meter of gross floor area applies in the case of residential and non-residential construction in the 14th district that exceeds 500 square meters of gross floor area and does not require a change in the zoning plan. The approved conditions of the contingency then set clear conditions for both parties, i.e. the town hall and the investor.

In the past, for example, the City Council has negotiated about contributions from developers in connection with the construction on the area of the former freight station in Žižkov, where the city should receive over 1.5 billion. Prague 3 and Prague 7 have also agreed with developers to build public amenities.

Source: CTK

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