The Prague Development Company (PDS) is preparing for fifty projects in which 6,000 to 8,000 flats should be built in the next ten years. This year, the municipal organisation will start the necessary steps for the construction of two to four projects. The houses closest to construction are Jalový dvůr in Prague 4, in Zlíchov or in Zenklova Street near Palmovka. Petr Urbánek, director of PDS, told journalists today. PDS was established by the capital in 2020 and is responsible for the development of the area and construction.
“In 2024, PDS will start the permitting process for two to four projects. Intensive work will continue on the coordination and preparation of large development areas, especially in the Nové Dvory, Palmovka and Dolní Počernice areas. In the middle of the year, we will also submit a regular annual update of the market valuation of land,” Urbánek said.
This year or at the beginning of next year, PDS wants to have a solution for financing construction projects related to urban housing. PDS will also continue expert work for the municipality, such as creating a concept for the development of the Na Strži or Kasárna Karlín areas.
According to Urbánek, Jalový dvůr with 40 flats is the closest to construction. It will be a wooden building made of so-called CLT panels and sand-lime bricks. The building permit could be issued by the building authority at the turn of this year and next year, and completion is realistic in 2026, according to the director.
A multifunctional building with urban flats at Palmovka at the corner of Zenklova Street and Libeňský Most or a house in Peroutkova Street are also at an advanced stage of preparation. A project with 300 flats in Dolní Počernice is also heading for approval by the relevant authorities.
PDS has also created a school construction manual in cooperation with the Institute of Planning and Development (IPR) or the Czech Technical University (ČVUT). It determines where it is good and efficient to build schools, and at the same time makes the work of the town halls easier. PDS is now preparing documents for the construction of four schools, in Nové Dvory, in Horní and Dolní Počernice and in Palmovka.
Source: PDS and CTK