Prague has a transport investment plan, it will streamline the preparation or better raise money

6 April 2024

Prague has drawn up a transport investment plan, the aim of compiling a ranking of the importance of buildings is to spend energy efficiently on preparing measures or to better raise money for them from subsidies, according to Deputy Mayor Zdeněk Hřib (Pirates). The relevant municipal departments, committees, commissions and other bodies will be able to comment on the terms specified in the list. The investment plan is part of the updated plan for sustainable mobility until 2026.

“It is essential to look at the city’s plans and intentions also in terms of prioritising individual transport investments and setting a clear timetable for them, because the city budget is not unlimited. This allows us to stretch our energies more on projects that are already in a high stage of readiness, and to spread out more efficiently in time the plans that have yet to receive round stamps from state officials,” Hřib said.

The city’s projected transport capital expenditure for 2025 and 2026 totals CZK 12.8 billion. To this must be added the cost of the construction of the D metro from Pankrác to Písnice in the amount of 19.3 billion. The total is CZK 32.1 billion. The projects that have already started will cost a total of 110.2 billion between 2025 and 2030, including the D metro.

In public transport, Prague will continue, among other things, the construction of metro D, the automation of line C or the construction of the transport terminal in Smíchov. It is also planning to build new tram lines and put money into renewing the fleet of the transport company (DPP). It is also planning projects to remove barriers from the streets, improve public space or increase safety around the North-South Main Line. Bridges are also due for repairs and the money will go towards the already started construction of the Dvorecký Bridge between Prague 4 and 5.

According to the deputy, the proposal is the result of processing information obtained from municipal organisations such as DPP, Ropid, the Technical Administration of Communications (TSK) or the Institute of Planning and Development (IPR). The Capital City Council should discuss it by the end of May this year and then submit it to the councillors.

In the long term, the city puts the most money into transport from its budget, both in current expenditure and investments. It will spend CZK 28.67 billion in current expenditure and CZK 9.45 billion in investments. For this year, Prague has approved a budget with revenues of about CZK 105.8 billion and expenditures of CZK 109.42 billion, up year-on-year. The difference will be made up by money from own resources from previous years.

Source: CTK

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