The management of the Prague City Hall will try to acquire from the Czech Post the real estate that now houses the branches that the post office will be closing in July. They could be turned into city flats. The first property the authority will try to acquire is the one on Moravská Street in Prague 2. Prague is now analysing other suitable properties for purchase together with the Czech Post and preparing a list of them. Vít Hofman, a spokesman for the municipality, it was announced today. The closure will affect 13 of the 22 large city districts and 35 of the 106 post offices in the capital are to be closed.
The largest number of branches will be lost in Prague 3, 4 and 6, five each. The post office will close branches in the middle of this year due to loss-making operations. In total, the post office will close 300 out of 3,200 post offices in the Czech Republic due to cost-cutting and a decline in operations.
“One of my priorities as housing secretary is housing for young people who cannot afford to buy property or rent an apartment in the current market situation. Acquiring the Prague buildings that the Czech Post wants to get rid of as part of its restructuring, which are suitable for housing, would significantly help Prague with its rental housing capacity. I will not allow these premises to turn into more offices or short-term housing and hostels,” said Deputy Mayor Alexandra Udženija (ODS).
According to the deputy minister, houses with small flats, for example in the aforementioned Moravská Street in Prague 2, could be ideal for starter housing, as is typical in foreign metropolises, such as Berlin or Amsterdam. That is why the city administration, in cooperation with Interior Minister Vít Rakušan (STAN), forced the post office to cancel the auction of the house on Moravská Street.
“In the last election period we established good property cooperation with the Czech Post, when we bought buildings in Durychova Street and Sofijské náměstí from them. From my point of view, it is a win-win. The post office gets the money it needs and the city gets the buildings in return,” said Councillor Adam Zábranský (Pirates).
Prague’s leadership is also interested in negotiating with the Czech Post to buy its main building in Jindřišská Street, which the post office plans to sell to save money. Both sides will form a working group to deal with the sale. Officials could move to Jindřišská from the Škoda Palace, where the city’s lease expires in 2028.
Source: CTK