Prague will have the design of the planned metro station D Nové Dvory modified to match the future development being prepared by the municipality in its surroundings. This follows from the material approved today by the city councillors. The city has had a zoning study prepared for the construction on the land around the station, which will include apartments, commercial and office buildings, a cultural centre and a P+R parking lot. The Nové Dvory station is part of the second stage of the D metro construction, for which the Antimonopoly Office (ÚOHS) is currently examining the tender.
The city management today ordered the transport company (DPP) to ensure changes to the original project in cooperation with the city’s contributory organisation, the Prague Development Company (PDS), which is in charge of preparing the surrounding construction. The aim, according to the approved document, is to ensure that the station technically and coordinately corresponds to the plans of the municipality. The city is now preparing a zoning plan amendment, which is necessary for the construction.
According to the document approved today, the southern vestibule of the metro station will have exits to the street and to the commercial arcade, which will connect the buildings under Libušská Street and will offer an exit to the cultural centre, as well as to sports facilities, the park, the school and the Krč housing estate. The modifications to the project will also include new connections to underground garages and entrances to them or utility relocations.
Deputy Mayor Petr Hlaváček (STAN) said that the municipality had followed a similar procedure in the past when modifying the project of the planned metro station D in Krč. “We are working in a similar way in Nové Dvory. The station will be connected to such an urban centre, a multifunctional building where there will be parking, culture, administration and housing,” he said.
The new district around the future station is expected to have around 2,000 mostly urban rental apartments, according to earlier information. The nearly 30-hectare site is to include offices, shops, a kindergarten, primary and secondary schools, a clinic, an outdoor playground and sports hall, and a community cultural centre with a library, according to a study commissioned by the city council. In addition to apartments, shops and offices, Nové Dvory is also to have three squares, some of which will be connected by the Jalodvorská louka park. The metro station is to be connected to the tram network by an extended line from Libuše. The city plans to build the individual parts of the district over ten to 15 years.
The construction of the new Prague metro line began last year, with the section between Pankrác and Olbrachtova stations under construction. The section from Olbrachtova to Nové Dvory is to be followed by the section for which the competition for the construction is now being dealt with by the Antimonopoly Office, due to a complaint from the association of PORR, Vinci and Marti (PVM), which was eliminated from the tender. The Office is also dealing with another complaint regarding the exclusion of PVM, on which it has not yet ruled.
Source: CTK