Poland’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will increase by PLN 118.3 billion during the 20-year period of construction of six AP1000 nuclear units in Poland, followed by a further PLN 38 billion per year during the minimum 60-year period of their operation, i.e. a total of nearly PLN 2.4 trillion, according to a report by consulting firm PwC prepared on behalf of Westinghouse.
The report shows that out of the PLN 118.3 bln impact on GDP during the construction period, PLN 73.7 bln will be direct, PLN 25.9 bln – indirect and PLN 18.7 bln – induced. On the other hand, out of the PLN 38bn annual impact during the life of the units, PLN 26.3bn will be direct, PLN 7.1bn indirect and PLN 4.7bn induced. Over a minimum of 60 years of operation, this gives a total of PLN 2.28 trillion, and together with the construction period, almost PLN 2.4 trillion.
The design phase, the procurement of equipment and components, their manufacture and the on-site assembly of the six AP1000 reactors will bring an additional 120,000 man-years of direct employment to the country. Once operational, the units will generate at least PLN 38 billion in additional value to GDP and sustain 16,300 jobs annually, the report said.
“The deployment of AP1000 technology in Poland marks a 100-year partnership between the US and Poland in energy security. The report’s findings further demonstrate the significant and long-term human capital and climate economic benefits this technology can provide to Poland, its people and its supply chain companies,” said Westinghouse Energy Systems President David Durham.
In addition, using the supply chain built in Poland for Westinghouse projects outside of Poland could bring an additional PLN 1.9bn contribution to Polish GDP for each AP1000 unit built, the report also stated.
The Polish project is being implemented by Polskie Elektrownie Jądrowe, a state-owned company responsible for the implementation and execution of the Polish Nuclear Power Programme (PPEJ). The first three reactors using AP1000 technology will be built at the Lubiatowo-Kopalino site in the Pomeranian province.
Source: PwC and ISBnews