Quadoro takes over capital management of PI Pro Investor funds portfolio

13 November 2023

Quadoro Investment, the AIFM of the Doric Group, is taking over the portfolio management of the PI Pro Investor Group’s closed-ended public real estate funds as of 9 November 2023. PI’s investors approved the transfer to Quadoro at extraordinary shareholder meetings held on 25 October 2023 in Nuremberg, Germany.

The portfolio of PI Pro Investor funds includes three closed-ended public AIFs with residential properties. The assets under management total around EUR 120 million. The new appointment of an AIFM was necessary to ensure continued reliable and KAGB-compliant management of the funds.

Quadoro Investment GmbH is also the AIFM for various other open-ended and closed-ended property funds. In this regard Quadoro develops and implements individual action plans to optimise the respective properties’ quality, energy efficiency and consequently rental. Quadoro has successfully carried out the refurbishment and extension of numerous residential properties.

Michael Denk, Managing Director of Quadoro Investment GmbH, and his team have examined the residential properties in question extensively: “With our many years of experience in the property fund sector and our asset management expertise, we are confident that we will manage the PI Pro Investor Group’s funds in the best possible way for the benefit of investors.”

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