Rakovník has issued a tender for the demolition of a concrete stand in the SK sports complex, as the building is beyond its useful life. The estimated value of the contract exceeds CZK 11 million. The building stands between the football pitch and the field hockey field, Kateřina Hradilová, spokeswoman for the Rakovník town hall, it was announced today. The city has long planned to renovate the entire area, including a new grandstand, and councillors will decide whether the investment will be part of the budget for the coming years.
“The work could start at the end of this year so as not to interfere with sports activities,” Hradilová said. It will depend on the agreement with the sports clubs and the outcome of the tender, she said. Companies can submit bids until 25 July.
The grandstand is several decades old, is not roofed and has never been fully completed and approved. It consists of ceramic blocks, steel, concrete and reinforced concrete. The planned grandstand should have built-in facilities for athletes, i.e. changing rooms, toilets and showers.
The city has had a project for the complete renovation of the Rakovník football stadium for several years. According to an estimate from 2021, all the work would cost about CZK 200 million, and include not only a new grandstand, but also the redevelopment of the entire area, including land improvements and facilities for football and field hockey players. The city wants to use the subsidy of the National Sports Agency.
Source: CTK