RALU Logistika completed EUR 15 million project in Rugvica

20 March 2024

The Croatian RALU Logistika company has completed a EUR 15 million project in Rugvica near Zagreb. With the completion of that project comes the opening of 100 new employment positions. This concludes the company’s last investment cycle, worth more than EUR 15 million, which has seen it expand its storage capacities and create conditions for further business growth.

Work on the new deep-frozen and refrigerated warehouse began back in May 2023. With the construction of a new warehouse, the capacities of the Croatian RALU Logistika enterprise as a whole grew by 6,500 new pallet spaces, in addition to their already existing 10,000 spaces.

“This year, RALU is set to celebrate 35 years of successful operations, during which five distribution centres were opened, and we continue to deliver our clients’ products to 6,500 delivery points across the country. Our fleet has continuously grown, and today we can boast of 300 transport units with the possibility of two cooling regimes. We’re marking this important anniversary with the end of an investment cycle and the opening up of a new warehouse, which means that we’ll be able to welcome the coming season in an even more prepared manner,” said Mario Mesaroš, President of the Management Board of RALU Logistika.

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