Prague’s Smichov railway station will begin its modernisation today, which will include the repair of tracks and platforms, the reconstruction of both underpasses and their extension or the construction of lifts. According to the spokesperson of the Railway Administration (SŽ), Nela Eberl Friebová, the works will be carried out in full operation and should be completed within three years. The administration also plans to reconstruct the station buildings and the Prague City Council wants to build a transport terminal for public transport at the station.
According to the spokeswoman, the reconstruction of the station will require only partial restrictions on the movement of passengers in the station. They will use only part of the platforms to board trains. According to the spokeswoman, one temporary platform is to be created. The works for SŽ will be carried out by a consortium of Metrostav TBR, OHLA ŽS, Hochtief CZ and Elektrizace železnic Praha, which succeeded in the tender with a price of CZK 4.14 billion excluding VAT.
The bridge over Nádražní Street will be a three-track bridge after the reconstruction is completed. According to SŽ’s idea, it is to be connected to a new three-track bridge between Smíchov and Podskalí, which is to replace the railway bridge over the Vltava River. Part of the reconstruction of the station is also the construction of a footbridge towards Radlická Street, which will allow people to access individual platforms and will also connect the station with the new district being built in Smíchov. It will replace a footbridge that had to give way to a housing development. According to Eberl Friebová, the construction of the new footbridge will cost CZK 314 million.
In addition, SŽ plans to reconstruct the station buildings. It has issued a tender with an estimated value of CZK 28.7 million for a designer. In addition to the repair of the station building, the work will also include the construction of a new wing, to be completed in 2028, according to earlier information.
The third major project planned for the station is to be undertaken by the city council. At the end of the year, it issued a tender with an estimated value of CZK 8 billion excluding VAT for the construction of a transport terminal, which will replace the Na Knížecí bus station and will include a P+R intercept car park. The buses will be newly built above the level of the railway and the city aims to connect all modes of public transport. The city expects construction to start at the end of next year and be completed by the end of 2030.
Smíchov railway station was opened as the second large station in Prague in 1862. The current station building was built in the 1950s. The station is one of the busiest railway junctions in Prague, along with Masaryk and Main Railway Stations, to which it was connected ten years after its creation.
Source: CTK