Redport launches Redport Contractor

5 September 2024

Redport is launching Redport Contractor – the group’s general contracting (GC) company – to manage all stages of a real estate project internally.

“We set up this new company because we wanted to have all the services and teams within the group that contribute to the development of our projects. Redport Contractor’s objectives will aim to deliver projects on schedule and to the quality promised to our clients so that, from this point, we limit our exposure to external entities,” states Cosmin Savu-Cristescu – CEO – Redport.

In addition to project companies for real estate developments, Redport owns several companies with know-how specific to the real estate industry. With the establishment of Redport Contractor, the group has completed the process of internalizing the critical aspects necessary for the success of the projects it develops.

“Experience shows us that the optimal solution is to have all the necessary resources internally to develop any Redport real estate project correctly, efficiently, and within parameters. With Redport Contractor, we have moved the entire package of technical services inside the group, and we manage turnkey projects,” explains Bogdan Gubandru – Chief Operational Officer – Redport.

The first project in Redport Contractor’s portfolio is the third phase of The Level Apartments, worth over EUR 8 million, managed entirely from a general contractor position. In the coming years, Redport Contractor will accommodate the general contracting in the Infinity Nord project and in the next phase of The Level Apartments, developments where the value of construction works is expected to exceed EUR 160 million.

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