Rents in Ostrava have risen most in the last year for apartments with a layout of 2+1

27 October 2023

Rents in Ostrava have increased the most in the last year for apartments with a layout of 2+1, by more than 16 percent year-on-year, it was announced by the company Investment and Real Estate Administration (SIAN), from whose comparative analysis the data comes.

SIAN, which says it is the largest investment property specialist in the Moravian-Silesian region, manages 700 flats in Ostrava. The average annual rental growth in its portfolio reached 11.29 percent in the summer. Rents in the company’s investment flats in Moravská Ostrava rose the most, by up to 24 percent, while the least – by less than 10 percent – was in Mariánské Hory.

Compared to 1+1 flats, rent growth in 2+1 flats was roughly 4.5 percent higher. “More people are buying 1+1 flats for rental purposes, there are more of them on the market in general. Therefore, there is more competition, and therefore the price is rising less. Fewer people buy larger flats for investment,” said Jakub Vysocký, director of SIAN.

According to him, the trend in recent months is a significant interest in larger flats. “One aspect is undoubtedly the arrival of people from Ukraine. Most of them are families with children who need larger flats. The second aspect is the unavailability of mortgages, where families with children also need larger apartments for their housing,” Vysocký said.

Source: SIAN and CTK

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