ROCA Industry continues its consolidation strategy for ECO EURO DOORS

26 July 2023

ROCA Industry announces its intention to acquire, through one of the companies in the holding, ECO EURO DOORS, Workshop Doors – one of the key players on the Romanian interior door market.

Currently under advanced negotiations, the holding announces the intention to purchase a stake at Workshop Doors, a company based in Petelea, operating two modern production facilities. The transaction is not signed at this time and will be subject to an internal evaluation process and approvals from the Competition Council, or other competent authorities.

ROCA Industry aims, through this new envisaged acquisition, to continue increasing the production capacity of ECO EURO DOORS and diversify its offer with new and competitive products, covering all price segments and ensuring the most diversified offer available on the Romanian market.

“ROCA Industry holding remains solid on its plans to consolidate through strategic acquisitions, scale-up and thus position the local industry on the European map of industrial performers. This is why, on a market segment dominated by imports and low-quality products, we are happy to make new steps forward towards the reindustrialization of Romania – through capital and know-how infusion, which will all translate into better quality and respect for Romanians’ money spent on products made in Romania,” states Ionuț Bindea, CEO of ROCA Industry.

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