ROCA Industry reports combined revenues of almost RON 400 mln in 2022

7 March 2023

ROCA Industry, the first Romanian holding of construction materials companies, reports combined revenues of RON 388.1 million at group level, according to the preliminary annual report for 2022. The combined revenues of the companies within ROCA Industry thus register a 24 perccent increase compared to the same period of the previous year.

Resilient in the atypical market context, marked by the increase in raw material costs throughout the year, the companies in the ROCA Industry portfolio had the ability to incorporate most of the costs into the price of the sold products, thus the EBITDA stood at 11 percent in 2022. According to the preliminary report for 2022, the companies in the group achieved a combined EBITDA of lei RON 42.7 million, respectively a combined profit of RON 21.6 million.

“The 2022 results reconfirm Romania’s ability to develop regional industrial champions, under a high-performance holding management, which aims to put this giant that has been dormant for a long time – the country’s industry – on the European map. We are thus advancing to the next stage of development for ROCA Industry: the listing on the BSE main market in 2023, together with a share capital increase,” said Ionu╚Ы Bindea, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of ROCA Industry.

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