Shell Mobility CEO: First Shell Recharge chargers should arrive this year in Poland

13 September 2023

Shell plans to launch the first few electric car chargers of its own Shell Recharge network in Poland before the end of 2023, announced Shell Mobility CEO and Shell Poland board member Monika Kielak-Łokietek.

“So far, at a very early stage of electromobility development, we have installed Ionity chargers at Polish stations. We currently have 28 Ionity charging points in 10 locations, and the target will be 40 points in 10 locations. However, later this year we would also like to start launching the first of our own Shell Recharge chargers, with a capacity of 100 to 360 kW,” said Kielak-Lokietek.

According to her, it is not possible to indicate a target number of Shell Recharge chargers, as the development plan for this network will be tailored to the pace of the Polish electromobility market, but the company already has mapped locations, including much of Shell’s current network of gas stations.

“However, we are not limited to stations only. We are talking to potential partners in places such as large shopping centers and restaurants. We are also trying to encourage cooperation between cities. For example, in Western Europe we have launched a significant number of charging points in city lampposts. In Poland, for the time being we are in talks with one local government on the subject,” Kielak-Lokietek added.

Depending on demand in a given location, Shell Recharge chargers are expected to have a capacity of 100 to 360 kW.

“I expect to launch the first few Shell Recharge chargers by the end of the current year,” she added Shell Mobility’s CEO concluded.

Source: Shell Mobility and ISBnews

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