Simtel completes the largest single roof top photovoltaic installation in Romania

28 December 2023

Simtel announced the completion of the largest photovoltaic power plant installed on the roof of a single building in Romania, namely the Dedeman Turda logistics center. The photovoltaic power plant has an installed power of approximately 4.1 MWp through approximately 10,000 photovoltaic panels, which cover an area of 40,000 sqm.

The project was carried out by Simtel for Grunman Energy, a company that is part of Pavăl Holding and which was created with the aim of producing energy through photovoltaic power plants installed on the roofs of five Dedeman logistics centers in the country.

The project in Turda is designed to supply power to the national electricity transmission network. Thus, following the commissioning of the photovoltaic power plant, Grunman Energy will officially become an electricity producer.


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