STRABAG PFS acquires Berlin-based Climtech GmbH

14 March 2024

STRABAG Property and Facility Services (STRABAG PFS) has acquired Berlin-based Climtech GmbH with retroactive effect from 1 January 2024. This strengthens the Group’s position as a partner for integrated property services. The more than 120 jobs will be retained.

“With the acquisition of Climtech, STRABAG PFS is consistently expanding its holistic range of services in the provision of building services and we are deepening our value creation,” comments Siegfried Wanker, CEO of STRABAG SE, on the acquisition and adds: “Our customers benefit from this and it enables us to optimally utilise Group-wide synergies.”

The managing directors of Climtech, Wolfgang Heinke and Jörg Trepsdorf, are delighted to be part of STRABAG PFS in the future and are convinced that “being part of STRABAG PFS will secure long-term future and development prospects for our employees and customers.”

Founded in 1999, the company specialises in heating, ventilation, plumbing, air conditioning/cooling as well as measurement and control technology and has well-known customers in the planning, construction and maintenance of complete technical building equipment in new buildings as well as in the renovation of existing buildings. The company specialises in Berlin and Brandenburg, but also has an installation team operating throughout Germany.

Closing is expected in the second quarter of 2024, subject to the relevant official approvals.

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