Szczecin the eighth agglomeration of ATAL’s operations in Poland

21 May 2024

ATAL is increasing the scale of its operations and opening a branch in Szczecin, which is the eighth re-gional market for this nationwide developer. It has two investments in the pipeline, the first of which – Heyki
City ATAL (named after Heyki Street) – is calculated for 404 units with a total usable area of over 23,000 sqm. The sale of flats in this project is planned to start in the second quarter of this year.

“The analysis of the potential of this market led us to become involved in it for the long term. So this will not just be a one-off investment. We are establishing a regular branch in Szczecin, fully staffed. The same as in the other agglomerations where we operate,” says Zbigniew Juroszek, CEO of ATAL.

The construction of the new branch demonstrates one of ATAL Group’s strategic goals, which is to scale the business through organic growth. The new market will also enable the developer to diversify more geographically.

“Socio-demographic and migration processes indicate that large urban centres have the best prospects in the primary real estate market. In the next decade, they will continue to dominate and attract new residents, employees and businesses. Analysing the development to date and its location, Szczecin fits into this trend,” assesses CEO Zbigniew Juroszek.

“One of the advantages of Szczecin and the surrounding area is its proximity to the German border and the local Special Economic Zone, which has a positive impact on the local economy. The local market is dominated by small and medium-sized developers, while there is relatively little activity on the part of large developers offering quality and service standards similar to ours. This will allow us to use our competitive advantages here and develop our operations on a larger scale in this branch,” argues Angelika Kliś, a member of ATAL’s management board.

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