The taxi service at Václav Havel Airport in Prague will be newly operated by Uber from next spring. It won the concession procedure in which two bidders applied. Uber guaranteed a fixed price of a ride in advance or the provision of transport services 24 hours a day, according to Prague Airport spokeswoman Klára Divíšková. Until now, TAXI Praha and FIX have been operating contract taxi services at the airport.
“Taxi service is crucial for us. In the concession procedure, we emphasized the requirements of passengers, who primarily want to know the price in advance. The new taxi operator will provide its services under the constant control of the airport. All rides, even those outside Prague, must comply with the regulation on maximum prices,” said Jakub Puchalský, a member of the Prague Airport Board of Directors.
“The world is changing dynamically and if we do not want to be left behind, we must respond to this development by continuously improving our customer service offer. I believe that the new taxi service operator will fulfil the expectations that the airport management has of it in this respect,” added Finance Minister Zbyněk Stanjura (ODS).
According to the airport, Uber should start preparations to offer its services as soon as possible after the expiry of the current contract. In the tender, the airport has defined the operator’s obligation to set a final price before each ride, which will be calculated by its software. The resulting fare must not exceed the agreed price, even if the route is changed or if there is a queue. Passengers will also always be able to pay cashless.
Passengers will be able to book a taxi ride via their phone without having to download an app, via the web interface and at kiosks in the arrival halls of both terminals. Uber will also have to ensure the required quality and safety of service as per the terms of the contract. Drivers will have to have all the necessary licences, speak Czech and have at least a basic knowledge of English and presentable dress. Uber has also guaranteed a fleet age of up to five years of mostly upper-middle class vehicles. At the same time, it will have to adapt the number of cars available at the airport to the current demand or to provide transport for people with reduced mobility.
Uber considers the partnership with Prague Airport a great success. “We know how crucial the quality of transport from the airport is not only for the capital, but also for the whole Czech Republic. We can influence the way foreign visitors view our country at the very first contact, which is a big commitment. We are ready to take it on with the utmost responsibility and care,” said Uber’s Operations Manager for the Czech Republic Štěpán Šindelář.
After confirming the order, passengers will receive information about the licence plate number, model and colour of the car that will take them from the airport. At the same time, it will also be possible to pair the ride with a specific car through a PIN code, which the passenger will receive when ordering and will then be able to choose any car standing in front of the terminal. According to the airport, this technology has been used at other airports where waiting times have been reduced by an average of 50 percent.
Source: CTK