The Archbishopric of Prague bought the building of the Archbishop’s Gymnasium

30 March 2023

The Archbishopric of Prague has bought the Archbishop’s Gymnasium building at the corner of Prague’s Korunní Street and náměstí Míru Square from the Congregation of the School Sisters of St Francis. It is buying the building through its St. Ludmila Foundation, in which it has invested CZK 150 million. Archbishop of Prague Jan Graubner, Sister Dominika Konečná and the director of the gymnasium Ondřej Mrzílek told journalists today. The archbishopric signed a contract with the sisters today, on the basis of which the building was acquired. There are 524 students in 17 classes at the gymnasium.

“The building has been under renovation for some time. When we were trying to untangle it, we came to the conclusion that it would be best if the Archbishopric bought this part of the building from the sisters, which will also allow them to have money to repair the neighbouring Christian Youth Home they run. The archdiocese will take care of that part of the building,” Graubner said.

In looking for a solution to the problem, Graubner said the archdiocese concluded that it would be best if the future of the building was handled not by the archdiocese itself, but by its St. Ludmila Foundation, which would buy it and manage it together with the gymnasium. At the same time, the Archbishopric also contributed the Clara Futura Hotel in Dolní Břežany, Central Bohemia, to the Foundation. It will then gradually add other assets and use the profits to finance its projects, including the renovation of the gymnasium. In addition, it is also applying for a subsidy from the Integrated Regional Operational Programme (IROP) of the Ministry for Regional Development to repair the school.

The complex of buildings, the gymnasium and the youth centre, was repossessed by the Congregation of Sisters in 1991. “For us, this is an investment in the future. I believe that thanks to this transaction, the building (dormitory) will be repaired,” Sister Dominika said. The dormitory is to offer housing for 120 students.

The grammar school will begin renovating its building in 2024. Principal Mrzilek said he plans to do the main work, especially demolition work, during the holidays. “At the moment, we are dealing with a 50 million IROP application, for which we will create barrier-free access and professional language classrooms. (The purchase of the building by the archbishopric) will allow us to create spaces appropriate for 21st century gymnasium studies,” Mrzílek said. Further renovations will follow, which will be gradual. The allocation of the grant will be decided this fall.

Source: CTK

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