The number of IT companies in the Czech Republic grew by 16 percent to 12,510 in five years

20 February 2023

The number of IT companies in the Czech Republic has increased by 16 percent to 12,510 over the past five years. Their number grew four percentage points faster than the total number of domestic companies. The number of self-employed persons in information technology grew eight times faster than in other sectors. This is according to the latest data from the analyst company Dun & Bradstreet.

The total number of natural persons doing business on the basis of a trade license in IT increased by 2,450 to 44,836 last year. This is a roughly six per cent year-on-year increase, which is similar to the growth rate of capital firms.

Although 730 new IT firms were established last year, the second lowest number in the last five years, the business base of IT firms is growing faster than the business base in the country as a whole. “In IT, four new firms are being created for every one that disappears, while in the rest of the population of firms it is only two new firms for every one that disappears,” said Dun & Bradstreet analyst Petra Štěpánová.

“The number of self-employed persons is growing significantly faster in the sector. While the total number of natural persons – entrepreneurs has grown by less than two percent over the last five years, IT entrepreneurs have increased by 16 percent,” said Štěpánová.

Six of the ten largest IT companies have also seen continuous revenue growth over the past three years. Cumulative sales of the ten largest companies reached more than CZK 57 billion. Avast Software reported the highest revenues, almost CZK 19 billion, followed by JetBrains with almost ten billion and with CZK 5.6 billion.

Source: Dun & Bradstreet and CTK

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