The South Moravian Region plans to start investments worth three billion crowns this year

15 February 2023

The South Moravian Region plans to launch investment projects worth CZK 3 billion this year. Some of them will start construction, while others, for example, will start acquiring the necessary documentation. The biggest investments were presented to journalists today by representatives of the region, headed by investment councillor Vladimír Šmerda (ODS). These include the rehabilitation institute Sanatorium Pálava, a special regime home in Rohatec or the reconstruction of the tornado-damaged S-Centrum home in Hodonín. Some of the investments will be subsidised by the region, while others will be covered only from the regional budget without support.

The county held a meeting today at the Vida! science centre in Brno with about 70 potential designers and companies that could design or build the buildings. The largest investment is the construction of the Pálava Sanatorium, which will cost CZK 750 million. The 220-bed medical rehabilitation institute would be used for patients after accidents or strokes. The institute should be ready in 2025. Now it is being decided who will run it. According to Šmerda, the possibility of operation by the regional company Thermal Pasohlávky is also being considered. “However, it would have to obtain a licence and provide employees. The decision has not been made yet and everything may be different,” Šmerda said.

The nearly half-billion special-regime home in Rohatec, which is expected to be ready in 2027, will cost almost half a billion. It will offer space for 120 clients and employment for 100 employees. A major investment worth 350 million is the reconstruction of a home for the elderly called S-Centrum Hodonín, which was damaged by a tornado the year before last. At the time, it had around 130 clients. Originally, the region considered not rebuilding the S-Centrum and building a new home in Rohatec. In the end, however, both buildings will be built. Smerda said both are needed and will find a use.

Other investments include an air base for rescuers in Brno for 125 million, technical facilities and a parking lot for rescuers in Bohunice for 220 million, a rescue base in Breclav for 168 million and a natural birth centre in the Vyškov hospital for 50 million.

The investments are in various stages of development and for the next few years. While some of them will start construction this year, others will start designing this year. Part of the costs will be covered by subsidies, some investments are completely without subsidies. For example, the home in Rohatec, the air base for rescue workers in Brno and the modernisation of the maternity hospital in Vyškov will be covered by the region’s budget without aid.

South Moravian councillors approved last December the budget for this year with revenues of CZK 14.3 billion and expenditures of CZK 15.8 billion. The differences will be covered by savings from previous years and a loan. Compared to previous years, the regional budget is several billion crowns higher due to the purchase of trains. The region is buying 37 train units for CZK 6.7 billion. The subsidy will cover 5.5 billion.

Source: CTK

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