A construction company is finishing the construction of new public toilets on Podzámecká Niva in Trebic. The original completion date has been postponed from 21 April to 2 May. According to Mayor Pavel Pacal (Pro Třebíč), the main reason for this is the foundation of the construction, which was forced by water seepage. The building stands between the Jihlava River and the castle. The price has also increased. Instead of CZK 11.9 million (including VAT), the new toilets and the associated sports facilities near the area for large cultural events and the UNESCO heritage site will cost about CZK 13.7 million.
Třebíč has long been looking for a solution to build public toilets in close proximity to the used summer area, the castle and St. Procopius Basilica. At first, it considered replacing the temporary construction of toilets in the unimobile with a new building, which Pacal said the conservationists did not agree to. The unimobuňka stood just below the monastery garden.
The solution was an agreement with TJ Třebíč, which has its tennis courts on the opposite side of the path leading to the meadow. There are new public toilets and facilities for athletes, including changing rooms and a clubhouse. The town will hand over the facilities to TJ Třebíč in return for providing the land for the toilets. Of the total cost of construction, the toilets cost about CZK 6.3 million.
The new toilets will be managed by the town’s cultural centre. They will also be available during cultural events. One of the first will be this year’s Beerhouse on the Podzámecká nivě, planned for 19 and 20 May, and on 2 and 3 June it will be the venue for the next edition of the Zámostí festival. Pacal said the public toilets will be open during the events, and the city does not expect to ask the organizers for a contribution to the operation.
Source: CTK