Up to 180 trains a day to run on the high-speed line from Prosenice to Ostrava

3 May 2023

Up to 180 long-distance express trains should run daily on the planned high-speed line Moravská brána from Prosenice in the Přerov region to Ostrava. Currently, approximately 130 express and fast trains run daily on this section. The construction of the 65-kilometre-long high-speed line Moravská brána will require an investment of CZK 60-80 billion. Construction is due to start in January 2026 and will take about six years. The maximum speed of trains on the new line will be 320 kilometres per hour.

The first part of the high-speed corridor from Prosenice to Hranice in the Přerov region is nearly 20 kilometres long. In 2035, a total of 162 express trains per 24 hours should be running in both directions on this double-track line and 180 trains on the connecting section from Hranice na Moravě station to Ostrava. In 2055, the same number of passenger trains should run daily on the section between the stations Prosenice and Hranice na Moravě. Regional trains will run on the new line at a maximum speed of approximately 200 kilometres per hour, while long-distance express trains will run at up to 320 kilometres per hour.

The new high-speed line from Prosenice to Ostrava will serve only passenger trains with passenger transport and will relieve one of the busiest freight corridors in the country. Part of the long-distance passenger traffic, which currently uses the main line between Ostrava, Přerov, Breclav and Prague, will switch to the high-speed line. According to the Railway Administration, the high-speed line will also help regional transport in the Olomouc Region. The project also includes an exit to the current railway network at Hranice na Moravě station and reconstruction of the station there.

Olomouc will be connected to the high-speed line via a northern and southern exit. Trains will thus reach the high-speed corridor between Ostrava and Brno in a short time from the main station in Olomouc. “The travel time from the centre of Brno to the centre of Olomouc will be 25 minutes, and from the centre of Olomouc to Ostrava will be around 15 minutes,” said Marek Pinkava, who is in charge of the preparation of the Prague-Brno-Ostrava high-speed line in the organisation, in an on-line discussion of the Railway Administration today.

The high-speed line project envisages the construction of two tunnels near Lipník nad Bečvou in the Přerov region and the nearby settlement of Slavíč. According to Pinkava, the historic viaducts near Hranice are to be used as railway exits from the high-speed line to Hranice in Moravia after reconstruction. The project also includes noise protection measures that will result from the noise study that is being completed.

In the future, the high-speed railway is to run between Prague and Dresden, between Prague and Brno and on the corridor between Ostrava and Prosenice. The state expects high-speed lines to significantly reduce journey times. According to estimates, the investments for both planned high-speed railways will cost more than CZK 400 billion. Thanks to the new high-speed sections, the journey time between Prague and Ostrava will be reduced to less than two hours.

Source: CTK

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