The indicative value of buildings in the Hradec Králové Region that were permitted by the authorities almost doubled to CZK 37.1 billion last year from CZK 18.9 billion the year before. It was the biggest increase among the regions. The value of planned constructions of non-residential buildings and engineering structures grew the most. It results from the data of the Hradec Králové branch of the Czech Statistical Office. In the whole Czech Republic, the indicative value of permitted constructions fell by 1.2 percent to CZK 515 billion last year.
In a nationwide comparison, the Hradec Králové Region ranked fifth above average in the value of permitted constructions. The Central Bohemian Region, the South Moravian Region, Prague and the Moravian-Silesian Region reported a higher value of permitted constructions last year.
The value of newly permitted constructions last year was mainly driven by various non-residential constructions of both production and non-production character, whose value increased almost threefold to CZK 19.4 billion from CZK 7.6 billion the year before. The value of permitted civil engineering structures, such as roads or utilities, rose to CZK 9.7 billion from CZK 3.6 billion. The value of permitted residential buildings rose by two per cent to CZK 8 billion.
The number of building permits issued in the region rose by 1.1 per cent year-on-year to 4,388. With a significantly higher growth in the total value of constructions, this meant that investors started to acquire more expensive constructions.
The average value per permitted building in the region reached CZK 8.4 million, up from CZK 4.4 million the year before. It was the second highest value in the country after Prague with CZK 18.4 million per building. In the whole country, the average value of construction per building permit last year was CZK 6 million.
The main investors in the region include the Hradec Králové Region and large cities. The five largest cities in the region are counting on investments worth CZK 1.38 billion in total this year. The Hradec Králové Region plans to invest a record CZK 1.68 billion in roads this year, with 47 transport constructions planned.