Viking Romania relocates to new offices in Record Park building

5 December 2023

Viking Romania relocates to new offices in Record Park, which is a project developed by Speedwell and owned by AYA Properties Fund. The company provides financial services and operational and technical support to all companies in this structure.

“We are delighted to see that Record Park, our first urban regeneration project in Cluj-Napoca, has transformed into a dynamic space that adapts to the ever-changing needs of our clients. Today, Record Park is more than an office space, it is a vibrant hub where the business community comes together and collaborates within an innovative framework promoting communication and synergy among teams while encouraging a flexible and dynamic way of working. The large number of tenants, together with the diversity of companies that have chosen to set up their offices in the Record Park building, reflects our ability to create spaces that meet the different needs of the business environment and reiterates our quality and long-standing commitment to ensure a conducive environment for our tenants and their employees. We are proud to see how the entire community thrives and grows in a modern and safe environment. On this way, we welcome the new tenants and express our gratitude to all those involved in this journey, who contribute to the success of our project in Cluj-Napoca,” says Didier Balcaen, CEO and Co-Founder of SPEEDWELL.

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