Precordia Capital Sp. z o.o., owned by Jerzy Motz, and Septyma Sp. z o.o., whose owner is Piotr Beaupre, have become holders of 66% of shares in the convenience retail park Street Mall Vis à Vis Wilanów located on ul. Przyczółkowska 219 in Warsaw. They acquired the shares from Capital Park Sp. z o.o.
Street Mall Vis à Vis Wilanów is located in the south Warsaw, next to the main road going from the city centre, through the Wilanów district to Konstancin-Jeziorna. This retail park was designed with the aim to combine two major features: the convenience of everyday shopping and the possibility to actively spend time with family and friends. The facility features 17 outlets including a range of grocery shops, service points and restaurants, and covers 4,300 sqm. of space in total. Clients may take advantage of 104 parking spaces. The tenant roster of Vis à Vis Wilanów includes such brands as: Decathlon, Deseo, Hebe, MAX Premium Burgers, RTV EURO AGD, Sakana Sushi&Sticks and The retail park is fully leased.
‘We are truly satisfied with the transaction we have closed. Convenience parks turned out to be the most resilient retail facilities during the recent COVID-19 pandemics. They fit perfectly into the new normal, as they are local in nature and their offering replies to the needs of consumers who more and more spend their time at home and the neighbouring area. What is more, the analysis of key indicators of retail facilities confirms that convenience centres perform best among retail formats,’ said Jerzy Motz, President of the Management Board at Precordia Capital Sp. z o.o.
Real Management Services Sp. z o.o., which is part of Real Management S.A. Group, has become the new property manager.