Vsetín will increase rents in municipal flats from January. At present, it barely covers the costs of current operations, but it no longer makes provisions for major repairs or reconstruction, announced Jana Raszková, a spokeswoman for the town hall. People pay between CZK 70 and CZK 130 per square metre, but from January it will be between CZK 100 and CZK 140.
“There are 11,261 inhabited flats in Vsetín, according to the results of the 2021 census. Commercial rents oscillate monthly between CZK 200 and CZK 300 per square metre, while rents in Vsetín apartments for new or extended leases are now only between CZK 70 and CZK 130 per square metre,” the spokesperson said.
The level of rent in the city flats should be comparable to the commercial ones, said Mayor Jiří Čunek (KDU-ČSL). The town spends up to CZK 4 million annually on repairs to its housing stock, which the mayor said all Vsetín residents will pay, regardless of whether they live in a town-owned building or one owned by someone else.
City councillors have set rents in city flats from 100 to 140 crowns per square metre from January next year. “This move will affect all new or existing residents of city flats, starting from the moment their fixed-term lease contracts are concluded or extended,” Čunek said. For tenants with older, open-ended contracts, the rent will remain at the same level until April next year, after which it will be increased by inflation for the previous year. The city has 531 flats, of which 264 are special-purpose flats occupied mostly by seniors.
Source: Vsetín and CTK