What kind of commercial premises do Polish residential developers have on offer

5 March 2024

What kind of commercial premises do developers have on offer? In which housing developments can they be found? What size do they have? How much do they cost? Which are the most popular with buyers? What are the most common requirements of apartment buyers?

Karolina Bronszewska, Director of Marketing and Innovation at Ronson Development:
Customers interested in service premises primarily pay attention to their location. They want locations that are easily visible, both to pedestrians passing by and to passing motorists. This makes premises located at the front of the building with direct access from the street particularly desirable. The proximity of bus and tram stops is an additional asset that increases the attractiveness of the location.

We currently have commercial premises for sale in several investment projects. As part of the offer in the Warsaw market, there are 4 service premises available in the project Miasto Moje VI, with areas ranging from 52 sqm to 141 sqm. Their prices start from PLN 809,000.

In the Ursus Centralny project, we have 4 units with areas ranging from 26 sqm to 72 sqm, with prices starting from PLN 496 thousand. In the Vola Estate, 2 commercial premises remain on sale. In Poznań, on the other hand, an available commercial unit can be found in the Młody Grunwald investment.

Tomasz Kaleta, Sales Department Director, Develia S.A.:
Service premises are of great interest to investors. They are also an added value for residents, who can have shops or various services at their fingertips. We try to design such premises in almost every investment, especially in multi-stage projects or city centres, where there is the greatest commercial potential. Their prices start from as little as PLN 7 000 net per square metre.

Angelika Kliś, board member of Atal:
We design commercial premises in almost every investment. Their prices vary depending on the city or the investment, but on average they cost around PLN 10,000 net per sq m. A separate category is investments with a service status, such as investment flats. For example, in Katowice, in the Sky+ investment, we have planned 248 of them in the entire building. Their buyers have the possibility of also using them for service activities that do not require a ground-floor location, unlike, for example, shops or restaurants. For buyers, it is above all the saturation of the area with similar services and the size of the premises that are important, which translates into the total price.

Małgorzata Ostrowska, Director of the Marketing and Sales Division at J.W. Construction:
Service premises have always been very popular with investors as they provide a safe rate of return. Many of our investments include service premises.

In the Pileckiego 59 project, we have 6 service premises available at prices ranging from PLN 12,900 to PLN 13,750 net per sqm, with areas ranging from 38 sqm to 84 sqm.

In the Bliska Wola project in Warsaw, there is the last service unit left, with an area of 525 sq m, ideal for fitness services, at a price of PLN 7,300 per sq m net.

The Nad Odrą development in Szczecin offers units priced from PLN 10,700 to PLN 13,400 net per sq m, with areas ranging from 37 sq m to 157 sq m. Stacja Centrum in Pruszków has two commercial units priced from PLN 10,900 to PLN 11,450 net per sq m, with areas ranging from 74 sq m to 102 sq m.

Mariusz Jędrzejczak, director of the service commercialisation department at Lokum Deweloper:
The commercial premises located in our Wrocław and Kraków estates are invariably very popular. The commercial properties we offer fit in with the idea of the 15-minute city, which involves the distribution of shops and premises within the estate. For the sake of the residents’ comfort in terms of access to a wide package of diverse services, we try to lease the commercial spaces rather than sell them, so we are able to exercise control over what activities are carried out in our premises.

Buyers appreciate the fact that the commercial spaces we offer are well exposed: the ground-floor location, large glass display windows and the presence of parking spaces make the services highly visible and easily accessible to customers and thus attractive for doing business.

Office and retail units of 50-100 sqm are the most popular. Larger spaces are dedicated to crèches, restaurants, grocery shops or offices, while smaller spaces usually house hair and beauty salons, bakeries or cafés. Interest in the service premises in our investments is very high.

We are currently commercialising units under construction in the multi-stage Lokum Porto development in Wrocław. In addition to office space, we have planned restaurants and numerous service areas in it.
As part of the Lokum Vena development located at Ks. J. Poniatowskiego and B. Prusa, in close proximity to the Market Square, we offer ready-to-use premises where offices or flats can be arranged for short or long-term rental.

As part of Kraków’s Lokum Vista housing estate on W. Sławka Street, a shopping arcade has been developed with premises up to 150 sq.m., with space dedicated to the catering, service, retail and office sectors. Its proximity to numerous business facilities and many residential buildings makes it a place with a huge potential customer base.

Joanna Chojecka, sales and marketing director for Warsaw and Wrocław at Robyg Group:
We are observing a trend of concentrating the shopping and service sphere within the estate; customers want to do as much of their daily business as possible close to where they live. Therefore, we expect that service premises in housing estates will become increasingly popular. We have such an offer in every development. Our service premises are quite popular, demand is stable. When designing our developments, we try to use the idea of 15-minute cities. A 15-minute city means an area where a person’s needs can be met in about a quarter of an hour from leaving home – on foot or by bicycle.

We review what amenities are available in a given area and design our developments to fill in the missing features. Sometimes, we not only initiate the creation of an appropriate infrastructure, but we build it ourselves or with the help of local authorities almost from scratch. Currently, more than 70 per cent of our investments are being realised according to the 15-minute cities concept, and according to the ESG strategy being implemented, this number will increase to 80 per cent by 2025.

Zuzanna Należyta, commercial director at Eco Classic:
We currently have service units on offer in the Wolne Miasto development in Gdańsk and Moja Północna in Warsaw.

Janusz Miller, Sales and Marketing Director at Home Invest:
We also have service premises on offer for sale or lease in investments in Targówek and Bielany in Warsaw. The price of commercial premises varies depending on the project, location and square footage. The fastest selling service premises are in projects located in well-located areas where there is a high demand for retail and catering services. Buyers often pay attention to the prominent location in relation to the streets and the availability of parking in the area.

Mariola Żak, sales and marketing director at Aurec Home:
We see a lot of interest in commercial premises in each development and we are very pleased with this. When we design estates, we always create spaces for catering, services and retail. The proximity to numerous retail facilities and many residential buildings makes it a place with a huge potential customer base. We build all developments according to the idea of a 15-minute city, so shops, bakeries, cafes, post offices, kindergartens, restaurants on the estates or within walking distance are a must have for any modern estate. We notice that the fastest selling retail units are those of around 100 sqm.

Damian Tomasik, CEO of Alter Investment:
Currently, we have land in the pipeline for commercial premises for chain tenants, as such premises are in great demand on the market.

Marek Starzyński, Sales Director at Okam:
Service premises are an important aspect of our investments. They are planned in all projects currently under construction, including the PROGRESS Zone and NOW in Łódź, as well as Cityflow and F.S.O. PARK in Warsaw. They are a compulsory element of the investments due to the fact that future residents value easy access to the retail or catering offer. The greatest interest on the part of tenants of commercial premises is for grocery shops, cafés and restaurants, as well as beauty services.

Source: dompress.pl
Photo: Robyg, Praga Piano

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