The Hradec Králové town hall has received 247 objections to its forthcoming new zoning plan, a number higher than anticipated, following a repeated public hearing. Despite expecting fewer submissions, the town hall noted that some objections were duplicates, according to town hall spokeswoman Kateřina Rohlíčková.
The city is now tasked with reviewing, registering, and evaluating the objections and comments. Officials aim to issue the new zoning plan within two years, a process that began in 2010.
Efforts are underway to address the objections as efficiently as possible, with up to eight city officials dedicated to the task. “If the evaluation of all the submissions does not result in substantial changes, we could move forward with the next phase—preparing the draft master plan for approval by Hradec councillors,” stated Adam Záruba, deputy mayor for spatial planning.
However, if the evaluation necessitates significant revisions, another public hearing would be required, potentially delaying the plan’s adoption. The first public hearing in 2016 generated hundreds of objections, which the city had to address.
The objection period concluded on August 15, following a second public hearing a week earlier. “Given that this was a repeated public hearing, we expected a lower number of submissions. Unfortunately, many objections and comments did not comply with the administrative code, often being inaccurate or incomplete,” Záruba explained, noting that some residents may be asked to clarify or complete their submissions.
The town hall highlighted the varied nature of the objections, ranging from simple comments to extensive submissions with multiple points challenging the revised draft. An above-average number of objections came from residents in the outlying districts of Svinary, Malšovice, Pouchov, and Ploštěště.
The city’s development has so far been guided by a master plan from 2000, intended for a ten-year period. The adoption of a new spatial plan is a priority for the current City Hall coalition, led by the Hradec Králové Democratic Club and the ODS.
The new zoning plan, designed by Tomáš Vymetálek Architects and architect Patrik Kotas, aims to foster the development of transport, technical infrastructure, and civic amenities while considering environmental protection. It builds on the town’s historic circular layout, developed by Josef Gočár in the early 20th century, and envisions westward expansion towards the D11 motorway in the Kukleny area.
Source: Hradec Králové and CTK