Urbanity Campus Tachov has been awarded the prestigious Sustainability Star 2024 award by the Scientific Council of the Czech & Slovak Sustainability Summit. The project of the Urbanity real estate group represents a modern approach to industrial development, which is based on high standards and environmentally friendly technologies. The manufacturing campus was among the top ten projects in terms of sustainability in the second year of the competition. The summit aims to showcase projects that have had a demonstrably positive impact on the environment or society. Markéta Šimáčková, COO and Deputy CEO of Urbanity, received the award on 25 April at the Cubex Centre Prague.
“We really appreciate the fact that the Czech & Slovak Sustainability Summit board selected Urbanity Campus Tachov as one of the top ten sustainable projects of 2024. Creating sustainable industrial campuses that are built on renewable energy and other technologies that mitigate environmental impacts has been an integral part of our vision since the beginning of our company. At the same time, we are very happy that more people and companies will learn about sustainable projects like Urbanity Campus Tachov and be inspired by them. Activities that have a real positive impact on people’s lives and the environment are important for the future of our country,” said Roland Hofman, co-founder of the Urbanity Group.
Urbanity Campus Tachov represents a new generation of industrial complexes that make comprehensive use of brownfield sites. Its uniqueness lies, among other things, in the use of renewable energy sources in the form of the largest rooftop solar power plant in the country, including extensive battery storage. It also works with other advanced technologies in the field of water or heat management. At the same time, the campus is an integral part of the city of Tachov, providing services not only to employees but also to the local community. There is, for example, a company doctor, relaxation zones and a children’s group, the establishment of which has significantly supported local pre-school education. In addition, the ongoing completion of the site will gradually expand the project to include a multifunctional building with a hotel or a public forest park and a kindergarten.
This innovative project has become the first ever industrial estate in the Czech Republic to achieve the prestigious BREEAM Communities certification for sustainable city districts, which is more commonly awarded to residential estates, and has achieved the highest rating in Central and Eastern Europe. Last year, Urbanity Campus Tachov even took first place in the Best of Realty competition and two first places in the Estate Ewards competition, where the expert jury particularly appreciated the way Urbanity has integrated the entire campus into the local environment, making a significant contribution to the quality of life of the residents of Tachov and the surrounding area. In addition, Urbanity Group is the first developer ever to be ranked in the ESG Rating in the Top 10 medium-sized enterprises category in 2023.
This year, Urbanity Campus Tachov was selected along with nine other projects by the competition’s Scientific Council, making it one of the best sustainable achievements of the last year. Over 60 projects were submitted to the competition. This year’s second edition of the summit took place at the Cubex Centre in Prague. Compared to the first edition, it brought greater involvement of government institutions, the addition of diverse interactive conference sessions and workshops, and a wider range of stakeholders. More than 500 participants attended the Summit.