The Pardubice Region plans to invest roughly CZK 2.8 billion this year in repairs and modernisation of roads and bridges and completion of motorway feeder roads. It has pledged more than 880 million crowns from the State Fund for Transport Infrastructure, another almost 900 million from European subsidies from the Integrated Regional Operational Programme, and the rest will come mainly from the regional budget. Last year, the region spent nearly CZK 3 billion on roads from various sources, said Michele Vojáček from the Governor’s office.
The county is budgeting for more than 100 projects this year. “The repair of the Wonka Bridge over the Elbe River, which we have been announcing for some time, will be crucial for the county. Traffic restrictions will begin this June and the work is due to be completed next autumn. The completion of the bypasses of Dašice, Rokytno and the road between Chocní and Český Libchavy, which is scheduled to open this year, is also on our list of priorities,” said Michal Kortyš (ODS), Deputy Governor for Transport.
The extensive investments in roads will bring temporary traffic complications. The region and the Road Administration and Maintenance are therefore trying to coordinate everything with municipalities and other institutions to keep the real impact as low as possible. The county is also continuing to update and develop the county traffic portal, where all information on construction, closures and traffic changes can be found in one place.
Source: CTK