White Star Real Estate has published its ESG report for 2022

4 January 2024

The report provides an overview of activities related to the areas outlined in its ESG policy: social and governance, environment and corporate governance. Although the company is not legally obliged to produce a non-financial report for 2022, it has chosen to produce one with reference to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines.

“Sustainable development is a key priority for us – building and maintaining facilities in accordance with the highest environmental, social and ethical standards. We regularly assess the quality of projects against BREEAM and LEED certification standards. It is noteworthy that our commitment to sustainable development was reflected in the release of our first Sustainability Report, which coincided with the 10th anniversary of the first final “BREEAM in USE” certification for the Palác Anděl building and “LEED GOLD in Operations and Maintenance” for the Vyšehrad Victoria building. This milestone occurred at a time when few companies paid attention to green building certification,” said Roland Bebčák, Country Partner CZ & SK.

By the end of 2022, more than 85% of the buildings in White Star Real Estate’s investment portfolio were BREEAM or LEED certified.

“Investing in eco-friendly solutions in the construction industry represents a conscious effort to positively shape our environment and improve the quality of life of the inhabitants or users of our buildings. Although there was no legal obligation to produce a non-financial report in 2022, we have analysed our environmental impact. As a socially responsible company, we strive to inspire the industry to be sustainable. Through this analysis, we draw conclusions to improve our future practices,” added Roland Bebčák.

In accordance with WSRE’s ESG Policy guidelines, the company tracked Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions under the GHG Protocol in 2022. Future plans include expanding the analysis to include indirect emissions in the value chain (Scope 3), such as waste management, business travel and employee commuting.

Source: White Star Real Estate and CTK

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