Bank Pocztowy has entered into another agreement with Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK), which will make it easier for housing communities and cooperatives to obtain a loan and, thanks to a new grant from BGK, a higher bonus for thermal modernization, the bank said.
In December 2022. BGK raised the premium for investments in thermal modernization and RES, which will cover up to 31% of investment costs. It has also introduced a new grant, allowing it to reimburse 50% of the expenses incurred for investments in the installation or modernization of renewable energy sources. The Postal Bank will assist housing communities in raising funds for investments, allowing them to benefit from BGK support. By the end of 2022, the Postal Bank had already granted nearly 1,400 loans for thermomodernization purposes, and their value exceeded PLN 449 million, it was reported.
“The amendment to the Law on Support for Thermal Modernization and Renovation and the Central Emission Register of Buildings, which came into force in December 2022, allows owners and managers of residential buildings to apply for higher subsidies for thermal modernization and installation of renewable energy sources. The amounts of the new premiums are: 26% for the cost of thermal upgrading work, or up to 31% if, in addition to thermal upgrading, there will be, for example, the purchase or installation of renewable energy sources in the case of the thermal upgrading bonus, and 25% of the cost of the work in the case of the renovation bonus. One of the requirements that investors must meet in order to obtain the bonus is to finance at least part of the works with a loan,” the statement said. – The announcement reads.
Those interested in a loan with a BGK bonus (renovation bonus and thermomodernization bonus with the option of a thermomodernization grant) can take advantage of the Postal Bank’s thermomodernization loan, granted on the basis of an energy/renovation audit prepared for the purpose of obtaining the bonus. This loan has no limits on the amount and is granted for a maximum of 240 months.
As another element of support for housing cooperatives and communities, BGK offers a RES grant. Under this instrument, BGK will reimburse 50% of the expenses incurred for investments in the installation or modernization of renewable energy sources.
“We realize that investment in building thermal modernization or installation of RES, especially for cooperatives or housing communities, is often a large expense. The Postal Bank, as one of the few banks in the market, offers a loan for cooperatives and housing communities up to PLN 500 thousand for up to 240 months. Such a loan can be used for any renovation and construction purpose, without the need to submit to the bank documentation of the investment just related to the insulation of the building or the construction of RES installations. We hope that the great interest in this type of financing we are observing will translate into the implementation of a large number of projects to reduce energy consumption by housing cooperatives and communities, resulting in a reduction in the bills paid by tenants,” commented Alicja Sierakowska, deputy director of Bank Pocztowy’s Institutional Clients Department.
By the end of 2022, Bank Pocztowy had provided around PLN 450 million in thermal modernization loans to housing cooperatives and housing communities, with nearly PLN 25 million in 2022 alone, the release also stated.
Bank Pocztowy provides financial services at post offices and its own branches across the country. It was established in 1990 in Bydgoszcz.
Source: Bank Pocztowy and ISBnews