Chrudim plans to build a road link to the West industrial zone

5 September 2023

Chrudim is planning to build a new road connection between the West industrial zone and the I/17 road to Čáslav. Until now, the area is reached via Průmyslovská Street through the inner town. After the construction of the new link and the north-western bypass, traffic from the west would avoid Chrudim, Mayor František PIlný (ANO) told reporters today.

“Together with the Road and Motorway Directorate (ŘSD) we are preparing the relocation of the I/17 road from Čáslav to Vestec. The industrial zone should also be connected to Heřmanův Městec via the disused railway line,” said Pilný.

The new link is to be built beyond the end of the local part of Markovice, roughly opposite the development around Vaňkova Street. It will connect to the road that runs through the western part of the industrial zone. The councillors have already commissioned the preparation of project documentation for the link.

According to Pilný, ŘSD plans to build the north-western bypass in stages. First, the link of the roundabout near Vestec through the original road to Pardubice, the railway line around the area of the former Transporta company to the industrial zone should be built. This section does not encounter any resistance from the surrounding villages or other complications. “Then those who will drive from Heřmanov Městec will pass through Markovice and will be able to turn into the industrial zone and continue along the bypass to Vysoké Mýto or Žďár nad Sázavou,” said PIlný.

For the construction of the north-western bypass the designers proposed three variants. The first one runs only a few tens of metres away from the inhabited part of Markovice, and a long concrete flyover would also be necessary because of the biocorridor. The second envisages a route north of the pond, then turning again between Lány and Bylany. Its disadvantage is the number of curves on the edge of construction standards. The third option is proposed between Třibřichy and Bylany. Its opponents pointed to its inconsistency with the municipality’s zoning plan, the importance and value of the landscape and the ecological stability system. They are also concerned about the increase in traffic, noise, dust and air pollution, the negative impact on agricultural land management and future construction and the expected devaluation of the inhabitants’ immovable property. However, the first stage from Vestec to the industrial zone should not be affected by the disputes.

The creation of the north-western bypass would solve the problem of transit traffic in Chrudim. At the end of 2021, the second part of the road, which bypasses the town on the eastern side and avoids neighbouring Slatiňany, was opened. The first part from Pardubice to the junction with the I/17 road to Vysoké Mýto was opened at the end of 2015.

Source: CTK

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