Concens Investments has started the construction of phase II 120,000 sqm at Ostrava airport

6 June 2024

The development company Concens Investments has commenced construction of Phase II of the successful Ostrava Airport Multimodal Park (OAMP) project, located near Ostrava’s Leoš Janáček Airport in Mošnov. When completed in Q3 this year, it will offer a total of 120,000 sqm of prime Class A commercial space. The developer Concens Investments is registering interest for the space, which is being built without a pre-agreed tenant, mainly from logistics and manufacturing companies. Future occupiers will benefit from excellent transport links combining air, rail and road transport. The project, which will be energy-efficient thanks to PV and LED lighting, is aiming for BREEAM international environmental certification.

“This year, we at Concens Investments have started further expansion in the Czech real estate market and the extension of the successful Ostrava Airport Multimodal Park project has been made possible by the consolidated ownership of the land and a valid building permit, it was a natural step. We are building on a speculative basis, i.e. without a pre-agreed tenant, but in our regular contact with logistics and manufacturing companies we register their interest in the Mošnov location. They especially appreciate the combination of transport connections – air, rail and road transport. The premises of the second phase of Ostrava Airport Multimodal Park will be available at the end of this year,” says Tomáš Novotný, Executive Director of Concens Investments.

Ostrava Airport Multimodal Park, the second phase of which includes the construction of 120,000 sqm of prime Class A commercial space, is being built in close proximity to the Mosnov Airport Leoš Janáček and a private railway siding. It is also very well connected to the D1, D48 and D56 motorways.

As part of Phase II, 4 halls suitable for logistics and light manufacturing will be built. By its standard, the complex aims to obtain the international environmental certification BREEAM at the level of Very Good. Great emphasis is placed on energy efficiency in the operation of the future properties, so they will include the installation of rooftop photovoltaic panels, LED lighting in the interior and alternative heating sources are also being discussed in the form of preparation for heat pumps that could replace conventional gas heating.

Concens Investments is a Czech property development company focused on the development, construction and leasing of modern industrial and logistics properties. In 2018, it launched the construction of Ostrava Airport Multimodal Park in Ostrava Mosnov, which currently comprises 180,000 sqm of prime industrial real estate leased to leading logistics and manufacturing companies. In 2021, Concens Investments sold part of this site, together with the production park in Nosovice, to the American real estate investment fund EQT Exeter. The developer’s portfolio also includes two service centres built for Linde Material Handling in Hradec Králové and Velké Bílovice. In 2024, Concens Investments started construction of Phase II of the Ostrava Airport Multimodal Park project, which will offer 120,000 sqm of Class A commercial space upon completion in Q3 2024.

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