The construction of flats in the Hradec Králové Region fell by seven percent last year and decreased for the second year in a row. Investors started construction of 1,549 flats last year after 1,665 in 2022 and 1,787 in 2021. The biggest drop was in single-family houses, down 22 percent to 750 flats started. The Czech Statistical Office (ČSÚ) published the results of housing construction today. Across the Czech Republic, housing construction fell by 15 per cent to 35,700 housing starts last year.
So far, the largest number of flats started to be built in the Hradec Králové Region in 2008, when investors built 2,396 flats. In the subsequent economic crisis, housing construction in the region steadily declined until 2015, when only 874 flats were started. Since then, construction has increased with slight fluctuations to almost 1,790 housing starts in 2021.
Of the flats started last year in the Hradec Králové Region, 1,197 were new construction, which was 218 fewer year-on-year. On the contrary, the number of flats built in already completed constructions increased by 102 to 250. The construction of apartment houses decreased significantly less than the construction of detached houses. Investors built 439 flats in them last year, down by three percent year-on-year.
The number of completed flats in the Hradec Králové Region fell by nine percent to 1,657 last year. Of these, 930 were in family houses and 480 in apartment buildings. The results of the number of completed flats, with a delay of one or two years, roughly follow the numbers of housing starts. Across the country, 38,082 dwellings were completed last year, down three per cent year-on-year.
A significant project completed last year in the region was 52 flats in four houses acquired by the Dobruška housing cooperative in the Rychnov region. The cooperative built the flats without profit, the average price of one flat was approximately CZK 3.5 million. In the Czech Republic, the Dobruška cooperative is considered an example of cooperative construction.
Last year, the Hradec Králové developer Noho announced that it intended to build about 220 flats in the Kukleny district of Hradec Králové. The first house, Cihlovka 1, with 22 flats, was built in 2021 and the second house, Cihlovka 2, with 48 flats, was completed last year. The company is building the apartment buildings on the site of a former tannery. It is one of the largest current housing projects in Hradec Králové.
One of the most important residential projects in the region is a nearly two-hundred-apartment residential complex in Rodov u Smiřic na Hradecku, which has been built in stages by Bidli Holding since 2019. According to the company, the complex is gradually nearing completion, and those interested can now choose from 13 units from the tenth stage.
Source: ČSÚ and CTK