Hradecky Region selects company for reconstruction of Vrbensky barracks for CZK 341 million

4 June 2024

The Geosan Group will provide the complete reconstruction of the Vrbensky Barracks in the centre of Hradec Králové for CZK 341 million.

Construction work will begin in June, said Dan Lechmann, spokesman for the regional administration. The supplier of the expositions and equipment will also emerge from the tender. Estimates of the cost of the project to rebuild the former military facility, including equipment, were around CZK 800 million at the end of last year. Most of the costs should be covered by subsidies.

The construction company will provide the reconstruction of the current building of the Vrbensky barracks and a new building, which will be connected to the historical building by a glass neck. The building belongs to the region. According to the subsidy rules, the construction work must be completed in 2025. The construction of the exhibits is expected to take place between 2026 and 2027.

“We signed the contract for the construction work with the contractor at the end of May and at the moment we are preparing the opening ceremony, which should take place on Friday, June 14,” said Pavel Bulíček (Pirates), Deputy Governor for Investments.

The Hradec Králové Region received six bids in the public tender for the reconstruction of the Vrbensky barracks. “The contractor with the lowest bid price was excluded from the competition. The second best bid of CZK 341 million including VAT was submitted by Geosan Group,” Lechmann said.

The reconstruction should solve the problem of insufficient space for the activities of the regional Museum of East Bohemia (MVČ) in Hradec Králové, both for professional work and for the presentation of collection items, said representatives of the regional government. The Vrbensky Barracks is located inside the former military complex of the Gayer Barracks, opposite the barracks’ twin towers, which the region recently renovated at a cost of CZK 310 million and now serves as the museum’s main specialist workplace.

Vrbensky Barracks was built in the 19th century. After the reconstruction, it will have three floors in the side wings, four floors in the central part and one underground floor. The extension will have one storey finished with a flat roof. The extension will be attached to the existing building by a glazed neck and connected in height to the original entrance.

The Vrbensky barracks will become a modern museum workplace. Its thematic focus will be on publicly accessible exhibitions of nature and man and the related operation of a cultural and creative centre.

The project has the support of four subsidy titles for a total amount of more than CZK 500 million. The subsidies will be used for construction works, namely for the reconstruction of the building and the extension, as well as for the equipment of the Centre for Creative Museums of the Hradec Králové Region and for the construction of a natural science and archaeological exhibition. Two of the projects will draw funds from the National Restoration Plan and two projects will draw support from the Integrated Regional Operational Programme 2021+, the region said.

Source: CTK
Photo: Hradec Králové.cz

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