Liberec Region wants to build a central depository for half a billion CZK even without subsidies

8 May 2024

The Liberec Region is preparing the construction of a central depository in Český Dub in the Liberec Region.The project has been in the works for three terms. The cost of the building in the so-called passive standard is estimated by the designers at nearly half a billion crowns. The region has not been successful in finding subsidy money and is therefore ready to finance the construction without it, Martin Půta (Starostové pro Liberecký kraj) told journalists today. Work should start next spring.

The region needs the central depository, as thousands of collection items are now stored in 15 locations across the region in often unsatisfactory conditions. “Protecting collection items requires specific conditions, especially in terms of humidity and temperature. None of the existing depositories meet these conditions, and if we did not build a modern depository, some of the collection items would be in danger of being destroyed due to the unsatisfactory storage conditions,” said Deputy Mayor for Culture Květa Vinklátová (Mayors for the Liberec Region).

The depository building will be built by the region as an energy-saving building with a green roof and a photovoltaic power plant. “It will meet all technical, energy and building criteria according to the current requirements of museum and gallery owners. Now is also a good time to start construction of a similar scale, when we can expect a lower bid price. Moreover, thanks to higher tax revenues in the first four months of this year, we were able to allocate an additional CZK 100 million for the project,” Půta added.

“The project documentation for the central depository is being implemented in a pilot mode using the BIM (Building Information Management) method, that is, using building information modelling, which should minimise errors and collisions in the project documentation on the basis of data from the 3D model, speed up the budget processing and facilitate the management of the building in operational mode after construction,” said Zbyněk Miklík (Piráti), deputy governor for economy.

According to Vinklátová, the construction of the central depository will allow the region to abandon substandard premises and sell some of them in the future, and the region will also abandon leased buildings. The modern building will not only meet the conditions for the storage and maximum protection of valuable collections, but will also have significantly lower energy consumption. “We should be getting to a six-million-dollar saving in annual energy costs calculated at current prices,” Vinklátová said.

Source: CTK

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