Panattoni finalised the sales of twelve industrial parks across Poland in 2023. The total combined value of the transactions comes to ca. EUR 500 mln.
The completion of these transactions proves the high quality of the investment product created by Panattoni as well as the dominant position of industrial assets in relation to other types of real estate. In 2023, Panattoni succeeded in winning 50% of the transaction volume for industrial assets in Poland with the total nationwide investment volume reaching around EUR 2 bln.
“Last year, Panattoni closed sales transactions in Poland for centres worth circa half a billion euros, once again demonstrating the long-term strength of our industry. However, what pleases us most of all are the prospects for the coming quarters. The forecast stabilisation of financing costs will have a major impact on the further improvement in liquidity. Many investors have raised significant sums of capital that have not yet been allocated so buyers are following the market looking for the right investment product. The market in Poland is based on solid fundamentals and is particularly interesting in comparison to the rest of Europe. The country’s strategic location, its well-developed infrastructure, its highly skilled workforce and also its stock of modern centres that meet ESG requirements combine to give Poland a long-term advantage in growth. This strength has been seen by international capital,” comments Michał Stanisławski, the Head of Asset Disposition at Panattoni.
Developments in the Lower Silesia region saw the most interest from buyers with the region accounting for five of the twelve Panattoni transactions. One of these – the 185,000 sqm Wrocław Campus – was the largest real estate transaction of last year. In the Wrocław area, the developer also sold Panattoni Park Wrocław S8 South, located next to a junction of the A4 motorway and an expressway. Other regions saw the sales of Panattoni Park Żory with an area of 37,600 sqm, Panattoni Park Poznań XIII with an area of 42,000 sqm and Panattoni Park Łódź A1 with an area of 56,000 sqm. Each of these properties stands out with an excellent location, and a solid leasing structure that allows asset managers to achieve their strategic targets.