The Road and Motorway Directorate (ŘSD) today started construction of a new section of the D6 motorway near Hořovičky in the Rakovnice region. In the region, 21 kilometres of this motorway are now under construction, including parts near Krupa and Horesedel. All sections of the D6 up to Karlovy Vary should be completed by 2028 at the latest, Transport Minister Martin Kupka (ODS) said at today’s opening ceremony.
The motorway section near Hořovice is the last of the Central Bohemian sections. Its approximately five kilometres will cost CZK 1.5 billion excluding VAT, part of the costs will be covered by European subsidies. Drivers should be able to use it for the first time at the end of November 2025. The dangerous junction with the I/27 road will be rebuilt and replaced by an off-grade crossing.
The Central Bohemian section will be joined by a single section in the Ústí nad Labem region, between Petrohrad and Lubenec. ŘSD plans to start its construction at the turn of this year and next year. “I would also like to assure all local residents that the chapel of the Blessed Emperor Charles, which is located in the route of the motorway, will be preserved and will only be moved,” said Radek Mátl, the director of ŘSD.
Then four sections in the Karlovy Vary Region will still have to be completed. “This year we would like to announce a tender for the contractor for the Knínice-Bošov section,” added Mátl. Construction should start here next year.
The construction of the D6 near Horesedel was officially launched in February this year and should be ready in summer 2025. Construction started last March near Krupa and the section should be ready for drivers in 2024.
Source: ŘSD and CTK