ŘSD has a building permit for the Náchod bypass

1 June 2023

The Road and Motorway Directorate (ŘSD) has a building permit for the Náchod bypass. The permit was issued by the Hradec Králové Regional Authority. Radek Mátl, the director general of ŘSD, said this on Twitter today. The building permit is not final. Náchod, a town of 20,000 inhabitants, is one of the towns in the Hradec Králové Region with the highest traffic load. The town has been striving for the construction of the bypass for over 20 years.

“The construction of the 7.4-kilometre-long Náchod bypass is currently undergoing property settlement and the tender documentation for the selection of the contractor is being prepared,” said Mátl. Archaeological research is expected to start this year. The regional authority started the construction procedure for issuing a building permit in mid-January.

The bypass will be 6.5 kilometres long and will take transit traffic out of the town from the I/33 road between Hradec Králové and the border crossing to Poland. The construction will also include a 930-metre-long relocation of the I/14 road, which brings traffic to Náchod from Nové Město nad Metují and Rychnov nad Kněžnou. The bypass will have two tunnels with a total length of 463 metres and two bridge flyovers with a total length of 583 metres.

Source: CTK

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