The Karlovy Vary Region has approved funding for the design of the Chodov bypass. The bypass is to divert transit traffic away from the city centre. The regional councillors included it in the Plan for the preparation of projects on class II and III roads for the next programming period 2028 – 2034. The estimated cost of the construction is almost CZK 1 billion, announced Jan Bureš (ODS), the regional councillor in charge of transport and road management..
“Chodov is the last of the larger towns in the region that is still without a bypass. However, I am firmly convinced that it deserves one, in the context of the increasing traffic intensity and also with regard to the further development of the town. Therefore, the regional budget for next year envisages an amount of CZK 3 million, which will be used for the project documentation,” said Bureš. The planned 5.9-kilometre-long bypass is to divert transit and heavy goods traffic from the city centre and to improve and expand traffic capacity on the Podkrušnohorská parallel.
Chodov has been demanding the bypass for years. “Especially for the residents of Chodov, the bypass would be a great relief. The town is a passage point for a considerable amount of freight and transit traffic, which is especially noticeable at peak times when drivers have to be patient. The residents’ questionnaire survey clearly showed the need to address the transport issue. The planned bypass will not only calm the traffic situation in the streets of Chodov, but also increase traffic safety,” said Chodov Mayor Patrik Pizinger (Local).
Due to the complexity of the construction, the Regional Administration and Maintenance of Roads is working on a technical study, which addresses the location of the construction, including the expected encroachments of the affected land, as well as encroachments into protected bearing areas, the design of the location of intersections and the solution of the crossing with the railway, the division of the construction into stages and more. This documentation will be used in the environmental impact assessment procedure. The total cost of the project could reach CZK 950 million.
Source: CTK