Ústí nad Labem will sell land in Předlice for less than CZK 7 million to the company Logistika Jateční. The plots are to be used as storage space for the Dobrovský company, which specialises in selling books. After the contract is completed and signed, the deal will be finalized; if it is not, the next bidder in line will be able to buy the plots, announced Dalibor Dařílek, head of the transport and property department of the Ústí nad Labem City Hall.
The land is situated in an industrial zone. “Two plots were sold, which are divided into five parts,” Dařílek added. The city wanted to sell the land in the past, but the councillors did not adopt any resolution at that time. In addition to the company Logistika Jateční, another buyer showed interest in the land, offering about CZK 650,000 less.
The opposition PRO Ústí movement did not support the sale. Deputy Martin Krsek (PRO Ústí) said that the land is extremely valuable for business projects and should be handled by the town in a considered manner. If it were more involved in offering the land, he said, it would make more money.
Source: CTK