Murapol sold 1,521 flats, handed over 1,295 in H1 2024

9 July 2024

Murapol sold a net 1,521 flats in H1 2024 against 1,539 a year earlier, the company said. It handed over the keys to 1,295 units during the period, compared to 1,592 a year earlier.

Total net sales to Murapol CG’s retail customers completed in H1 2024 amounted to 1,521 units (development agreements, preliminary agreements and paid reservation agreements, after eliminating cancellations), against 1,539 in H1 2023. In Q2 alone, 683 development and preliminary agreements were signed, compared to 653 in the same period last year, the company reported.

In H1 2024, the Murapol Group handed over keys to 1,295 units to retail customers compared to 1,592 issued in the same period last year, which was in line with the company’s expectations. In Q2 alone, 543 units were handed over, compared to 511 a year earlier, it also stated.

In the period from January to June 2024, Murapol CG introduced 2,285 units to its offer in 9 cities, including Wrocław, Łódź, Poznań, Gdańsk, the Silesian Agglomeration, as well as in a new location on the map of operations – Lublin (against 1,831 units in H1 2023). The new offer includes units designed both in new development projects and further stages of projects already under construction. As of 30 June 2024, the Murapol Group’s offer included 4,530 units in 16 cities, the company announced.

As of 30 June 2024, the Murapol Group’s portfolio of projects under construction included a record 8,494 units being built as part of 29 projects in 14 Polish cities.

The Murapol Group also reported that in the first half of this year it had an active land bank for the construction of over 21,900 units with a total net usable area of nearly 945,000 sqm in 19 cities. In the past six months, it contracted land in two new locations – Kielce and Częstochowa.

“The past six months were characterised by greater stabilisation in the residential market, after last year’s intensified purchases, as some customers postponed their decision to buy their own apartment while waiting for decisions on the launch of the government’s #naStart programme. The Murapol Group, offering a universal product that optimally matches clients’ preferences in terms of functionality and usability, recorded satisfactory half-year sales results. We view the prospects for the second half of the year positively, the annual target is ambitious and we are aiming for it. We have one of the largest offerings on the market – more than 4,500 units in 16 cities – and the prospect of expanding it further on the basis of a rich land bank. I would like to mention that in the second quarter we contracted land in two new locations – Kielce and Częstochowa. This, combined with numerous projects that are at the final stage of preparation, allows us to look into the future with optimism,” said Murapol’s president Nikodem Iskra.

Source: Murapol and ISBnews
Photo: Murapol, Osiedle Ambro

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